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tarcza herbowa w kolorze czerwonym, na tarczy wstęga wyglądająca jak s, ale odwrócone w lewą stronę, Nad tarczą głowa amorka


Stanislaw Count on Wisnicz Lubomirski,

 Governor and starosta general of Kraków, Zator,

 conspiracy, nonpollomic,

commander-in-chief of the Kingdom's troops

 against Ottoman emperor of the Turks

 and Dzianumbet Gorey Khan of the Tatars

 in order to give rest to his forces, his efforts for the public good, as well as the wars of Inflanta, Moscow,
Prussia, Scythia, Turkey, and finally, the very age of the weary,

He erected and decorated this building.

And so that the common benefit could serve, the fortress was attached.

Year of Christ 1641


 tablica nad wejściem głównym Zamku w Łańcucie, na tablicy tekst w języku łacińskim, litery złocone, treść tekstu w publikacji


A heathen army appeared to us from the south, and stretched its camp back for miles almost for the sake of appearances and our fear, which the army was not in the least afraid of, and in fact came out with great eagerness," noted Stanislaw Lubomirski on the day the Battle of Chocim began on September 2, 1621.

This was one of the largest battles in all of Europe - the Battle of Chocim, between the army of the Republic of Poland, commanded by the Grand Hetman of Lithuania Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, and the Turkish army under the command of Sultan Osman II.

Individuals supporting the Polish commander were Stanislaw Lubomirski (1583-1649) and Prince Wladyslaw Waza (1595-1648).

On September 23, Hetman Jan Karol Chodkiewicz died; his wish was that Lubomirski take command after him, thus giving him the mace.

"Having lost our leader, they are not immediately frightened,

In God, in the heart, and in the saber they will put their trust, [...]

Lubomirski gave them the world, when in a thousand horses

He's going straight to the Turks [...]"*.

 The prince took command and demonstrated unparalleled skill in commanding the crown army. Thanks to his attack on the enemy's rear, he quickly led the Turkish army to bleed...

"It is since Lubomirski of his own from the field of the field of the field of the field of the field of the field of the field of the field of the field of the field,

And where the Turks still put their combs,

Bloody turn eagles, let him kneel, let him ask

Osman; hard to stop, whom fear scolds

And Husseim, and the army, and they reinforcements/ Will flee, having given to the slaughter of a stupendous plight; "*

 We had already been negotiating for peace with the Turks for six days, but it was impossible to agree to their terms, Lubomirski wrote in the Diary.

Then, on the night of October 3 to 4, while I was awake, because the misfortunes of the Fatherland drove sleep away from me, and even sleeping, I was keeping vigil, the Mother of God appeared to me, because who would not recognize her from the light surrounding her of all colors, from which the night shone to me with a brightness even in my life unseen among the day, and I heard from her this one word: "Perseverance."

 She disappeared, and I knelt down in rapture, but only then did I regain the knowledge of what I should do: Having raised my eyes, hands and heart to heaven, I gave thanks to God that He had counseled me unworthy with this admonition.

And I gave thanks to the Blessed Virgin Mary....

O! This appearance inspired me with such confidence and certainty that the next day I gave the Sultan an answer that only an assurance on his part to keep the old agreements with Poland would keep me from further war, for the conduct of which we had, God willing, only one powder keg already in the camp.

 And with this answer I so impressed him that now the grand vizier Dilaver Pasha Basha sent us more lenient terms, but I did not accept them, insisting on the first ones I had given; and so after three days of negotiations, having in mind the holy word: "Perseverance," I brought the pagans to the point of making the peace I myself wanted!

On October 9, 1621, a truce was signed and peace was made.

The battle covered Lubomirski with glory and dismissed the danger that had been threatening Europe for more than half a century.

The defense of Chocim was one of the best commanded and most important victories of Polish arms in the 17th century.



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* Wojna Chocimska, Wacław Potocki BL
wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone

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