Opening hours
Tuesday - Sunday
(17) 749 38 62
1 Zamkowa St., 37-100 Lancut
Mission and statute

Mission and statute

Mission and statute

Mission and statute

"We tell about the old days in a modern way".

Our mission is to protect the unique heritage of the past, which is the Castle and Park Complex in Łańcut, by ensuring the safety of the objects, raising funds and undertaking necessary repairs and maintenance. As a mission activity we also treat education and popularization, so - taking into account the challenges of modernity - we want to transmit knowledge about the past using modern techniques and modern language.
Vision of the Museum-Castle in Łańcut

"Museum-Castle in Łańcut - at the source of Europe without borders".

We wish, through the implementation of strategic goals, to become one of the places on the cultural map of Poland and Europe, which will not only refer to its illustrious past personified by such figures as Jan Potocki, author of "The Saragossa Manuscript," among others, but, above all, by providing Visitors to the Łańcut Museum with a modern form of sightseeing, high quality standards and a fuller use of the potential that this place has in itself.

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