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Antonio Canova

Prince Henry Lubomirski as Amor, Antonio Canova, 1786-1788 The exhibition at the Museum-Castle in Łańcut (from May 10 to July 15, 2008) presented 14 works by Antonio Canova (1757-1822), the most prominent Italian sculptor of the Neoclassical period.

This exhibition was prepared as a joint project of the National Museum in Cracow, the Museum-Castle in Łańcut, the Canova Foundation in Possagno, the Museo e Gipsoteca Canoviana in Possagno, with the cooperation of the Italian Cultural Institute in Cracow.

The main work in the exhibition is a marble statue of Prince Henryk Lubomirski as Cupid, located in the collection of the Museum-Castle in Łańcut, made by Canova in Rome, in 1786-1788, commissioned by Princess Izabela Lubomirska, née Czartoryska, owner of the castle in Łańcut. Other objects in the exhibition come from the collections of
Museo e Gipsoteca Canoviana in Possagno (near Treviso), the artist's hometown. On display are plaster models and casts of Canova's famous marble sculptures, including the Sleeping Endymion, busts of Helen of Troy, Paris, Pauline Borghese Bonaparte (Napoleon's sister) and the sculptor's self-portrait. In addition to the sculptures, Canova's paintings in oil and tempera techniques are also on display. The display of the Italian artist's works is complemented by a set of period engravings depicting his most important marble sculptures.

The exhibition was accompanied by a publication containing articles on the life and work of Antonio Canova and a catalog of the works shown at the exhibition, compiled by Polish and Italian authors (Prof. Janusz A. Ostrowski, Prof. Giuseppe Pavanello, Dr. Mario Guderzo, Barbara Trojnar, Giancarlo Cunial, Gabriella Delfini Filippi)..


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Antonio Canova (1757-1822), born in Possagno, the most prominent Italian sculptor of the Neoclassical period. He created first in Venice, then in Rome, where he settled permanently; he was also active in Vienna and Paris. He was inspired by ancient art, especially Hellenistic art. He created sculptural groups and statues mainly on mythological themes, portrait busts of contemporary personalities, tombstones. He also engaged in painting

Canova's most important works: tombstones of Popes Clement XIV (1783-1787) and Clement XIII (1783-1792), Cupid awakening Psyche (1787-1793), Perseus with the head of Medusa (1801), Three Graces (1812-1816), Napoleon as Mars the Pacifier (1806), Paolina Bonaparte Borghese as Venus the Victorious (1804-1808).

The exhibition was held under the honorary patronage of H.E. the Italian Ambassador to Poland, Anna Blefari Melazzi


Learn more about the conservation of the sculpture Prince Henry Lubomirski as Amor (PDF; 6 MB)»

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